Return to Nature (Use of Ecologically Friendly Materials in Clothing)

With the alarming threat of Global Warming that the whole world is currently facing, every effort to protect the environment counts. Despite the serious risks associated with this phenomenon, there remains one positive development: the growing effort of each and every country, community and individual to contribute in saving the mother earth.

Several countries have sponsored studies and awareness programs on the need to preserve nature and protect the environment. Non-profit organizations were also formed for the same reasons. Celebrities, public officials, capitalists and even ordinary citizens became one in this advocacy.

The use of ecology-friendly materials in all industries has been widely promoted. Notice that paper cups, plates and bags in fast food chains are slowly replacing those which are made up of plastic. You would normally come across with the 3Rs, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, in almost every establishment. Even manufacturing industries have been more mindful of their processes which might be hazardous to the environment. Notice also that several factories have already vied for ISO-14001 certification, which is actually based on the commitment to environment-friendly manufacturing processes.

One classic example of an industry that has grown much awareness and consciousness on the protection of the environment is the garment industry. If you are to review the process workflow of a typical clothing factory, you will have to start and end, with nature. First, raw materials such as cotton or fiber are normally generated from plants or sometimes, animals. The mere process of growing cotton plants, a popular raw material for garments, would oftentimes require use of insecticides, pesticides and other chemicals harmful to the environment.

After acquiring the raw materials, these are then being processed to come up with the desired fabrics used in making shirts, dresses, ties or even socks – the end products. The process itself might also generate toxins and wastes that pose risks to the environment. Imagine the amount of waste that can be generated by producing your everyday tank top or an overnight shirt.

The good news is that there are companies who have already invested on studies that would lessen the hazardous impact of garment making to the environment. Organic fabrics are now being introduced in the market. After all, when it is nature that provides for most of the raw materials, there is no reason why it should not be protected and preserved.

But upon hearing the term “organic fabric”, have you wondered how it would feel like wearing clothes made up of it? Would it make you look like a walking garden? Would it feel like your putting your cufflinks through a dyed leaf? Or would you have to worry that your clothes will get rotten soon?

Well, none of those will happen because organic fabrics are as ordinary as the regular cotton fabrics in appearance. These are fabrics that use ecology-friendly raw materials. They are usually easy to grow which eliminates the need for insecticides and other chemicals. Processing is also made simpler to eradicate unnecessary wastes. Even the fashion world is now starting to use and showcase this particular material.

Bottom line, the needed output can still be delivered while minimizing potential harmful effects to nature. This calls only for responsible conduct of business and everyone’s awareness. The income generated by similar businesses shall be spent on continuously researching for ways to better protect the environment, returning back to nature its glory and richness. custom dress socks

Return to Nature (Use of Ecologically Friendly Materials in Clothing)

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