3 Secrets to Creating The Best Birthday Cakes for your Kids!

Don’t you like being able to create stuff on your own? Be creative and try out something new today!

If you don’t know how to bake, can’t or won’t bake for some other reason or another – well let me share with you on how to make a birthday cake for your kid in a totally new perspective! Not all birthday cakes have to be the typically round, flat or covered with candles and the same old “Happy Birthday” signs carved in the center of the cake. You can make your child’s birthday cakes really special with these 3 little secrets!

Secret #1 Make Your Cakes 3D

Firstly, go select a fresh frosted cake at a confectionery, next add some attractive edible toppings, non-edible toppings and watch your child’s birthday cake come alive.
Create a birthday party theme for your kid; from there you could add some interesting cake art. Don’t be afraid if you’re unfamiliar with interesting cake art – Let me tell you: That interesting cake art is available for just about any birthday party theme! That includes Finding Nemo, Mickey Mouse, Disney Princess, Elmo, Pirate, Star Wars, Barbie, the list goes on. Cake art is very colorful and pleases kids all the time.

Secret #2 Add Edible Cake Toppings

To give your cake an attractive 3D look, you can use edible cake toppings. These are usually filled with confectionery and you can also find edible cake toppings to match your birthday theme.
If for example your theme is a Pirate party, you can find small pirate hats, eye bandages, “classic” cups and balloons. You can also use your creativity to add an edible “Pirate” logo or something on top of your cake. This would keep your kids running around in excitement!

Secret #3 Use Non-Edible Cake Toppings too!

When you think about fun, colorful party favors – you should usually think of non-edible cake toppings. Not only are they re-usable, they add so much vibrancy to your kid’s cake!
Some of these toppings have movable parts can make your child’s cake come to life. Imagine a “treasure hunt” box on a Pirate theme cake with little tiny bits of edible “gold, coin, silver” toppings all nicely put on the top of your child’s cake. Simply Amazing!
Is these 3 little steps to take that hard after all? I don’t think so! Anyway, I’m truly certain and sure that you would love the sight of joy and happiness on your children’s very birthday party won’t you? Take the first step; be creative and have fun messing it all up.. Cake Sydney

3 Secrets to Creating The Best Birthday Cakes for your Kids!

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