Work Visa Finance

A worker who is on a work visa must be employed in order to keep their visa valid. If they are no longer employed, they must either leave the country in 60 days or find a new job and apply for another visa type. The employer must file a visa petition with US Citizenship and Immigration Services on behalf of the employee, which consists of several forms and supporting documents stating why the company is sponsoring the employee and that they meet the legal requirements for the visa type.

Most companies offer retirement accounts, like 401(k) or 403(b) plans and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Depending on their work visa status, employees might have to choose between taking advantage of these tax-deferred savings accounts or keeping their money in a bank that does not accept deposits from foreign banks. Those on work visas may also have to weigh the possibility of losing their jobs and the resulting loss of their investment accounts or tax breaks.

At Visa, employees can get support for their work visa finance needs through several avenues. They can network with recruiters at on-campus or virtual events, connect with other workers who are on the same visa journey through cultural organizations and employee networks, and ask for help from their mentors and allies. These allies can be useful in navigating company policies and finding a community that feels welcoming and supportive. They can also advocate on behalf of employees and help them navigate difficult situations. work visa finance

Work Visa Finance

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